Thursday, July 30, 2009

Watch High Quality SBS Drama "Dream" Episode 2 Online

SBS Drama "Dream" aired on July 28th, Tuesday.

Are you looking for a place to watch SBS 2009 drama "Dream" online?

You find the best place: High Quality and Smooth:

SBS Dream Episode 2

Enjoy. Please do leave a comment.

Watch High Quality SBS Drama "Dream" Episode 1 Online

Are you looking for a place to watch SBS 2009 drama "Dream" online?

You find the best place: High Quality and Smooth:

SBS Dream Episode 1

also, if you don't speak Korean, check out the English recap.

Enjoy. Please do leave a comment.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Brand New Blog - Welcome to visit

A Brand New Blog has been added to, you can visit it at Joo Jin Mo's Garden Blog. It is very easy to leave comment or ask question. Every Jin Mo's fan is welcome to stop by.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Latest Update - Joo Jin Mo's Garden - Founder Q&A

Joo Jin Mo's Garden just added a new important page - many of Joo Jin Mo's fans might be interested in reading: Founder Q&A, where you can find some interesting story of Joo Jin Mo's Garden, you may find a good friend.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Joo Jin Mo's Warm Hug and Christmas Gift

Jin Mo's Christmas hug - Do you want his hug? How about his scarf? :)

This lovely and lucky girl got both! Wish her a wonderful 2009! Wish all Jin Mo's fans a happy 2009!

When some day you need a hug, come back to check Jin Mo out. He is so warm.

The above 2 pictures were taken from the following video by JJMHaven @ If you need the translation, please click here to see the comments. You will love it.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Joo Jin Mo KBS Interview

He was saying "Friendship is about sharing - I share my feelings and my money".

If "A Frozen Flower" is shown here in theater, I'll definitely be there.

The above 3 pictures were from the following video. It is just so fun to watch a real Joo Jin Mo - you will find in this interview that he can be very funny.

Joo Jin Mo's drama "Dream" vs. Tom Cruise's movie "Jerry Maguire "

In his upcoming 16 episode drama "Dream", Joo Jin Mo will take role of a sports agent, just like Tom Cruise as Jerry Maguire in "Jerry Maguire", 1996. (Although SBS hasn't announced any details about the story, here is my guess - Jin Mo will be the leading actor. Tell me what you think in comments. )

In this Oscar winner movie, Tom Cruise took the leading role as a sports agent. Here is a simple introduction.

Jerry Maguire used to be a typical sports agent: willing to do just about anything he could to get the biggest possible contracts for his clients, plus a nice commission for himself. Then, one day, he suddenly has second thoughts about what he's really doing. When he voices these doubts, he ends up losing his job and all of his clients, save Rod Tidwell, an egomaniacal football player. Can Jerry resurrect his career while still staying true to himself?

Written by Jean-Marc Rocher {}
